Ok, I don't know about you, but I think that smoothies are delicious.  They are a great anytime snack, and super easy to make.  My family keeps a lot of frozen fruit in their freezer, so that whenever the want a smoothie they can just dump it in the blender with some yogurt and maybe some water or juice.  

One of my favorite smoothie recipes is the Pineapple Spinach Banana Smoothie.  Okay, don't run away because I said the word spinach.  You can't really taste it.  It tastes pretty fruity to me.  The spinach just adds some nutrients, and, whether you think that it's fortunate or unfortunate, it's green.  It's a very pretty shade of green, for your information.

Okay, here's the recipe:

Pineapple Spinach Banana Smoothie

  • 4-6 chunks of pineapple
  • Handful of spinach
  • 2 bananas
  • Handful of ice

  • Put everything in the blender and blend until smooth.

There you go!  A yummy, easy, healthy smoothie recipe
These are very dangerous.  They are so delicious, you just want to eat chocolate truffle after chocolate truffle, and never ever stop because that would be horrible.  You need to know the recipe right now.  These are the easiest things ever to make, which is also a huge plus.

P.S. the recipe is very inexact because you can really put however much of whatever you want in

Dark Chocolate Truffles

  • 1 small container of cream cheese
  • as many Oreos (or Newman-Os, the more all natural Oreos) as your heart desires
  • 2 handfuls of almonds
  • 2 dark chocolate bars
  • salt

  • Put the cream cheese, most of the Oreos, a handful of almonds, and a sprinkle of salt in the blender and blend it until smooth.
  • Form the paste into balls, and freeze.
  • Meanwhile, heat the chocolate in a bowl over a colander over a pot (in other words a double boiler), stirring constantly.
  • Take the balls out of the freezer, coat them in chocolate, and then crumble Oreos and almonds and sprinkle them over the truffles.
  • Put the truffles back in the freezer for a while, and then eat them.

Okay, I am really not kidding, you absolutely have to try these they are fantastic you have not lived until you have tried them.

Also, please please please submit recipes I really want to see your favorite recipes and try to make them!  Thanks so much!
I don't know about you, but I love a good salad.  It's crunchy, flavorful, and amazing with the right toppings.  But sometimes your plain old salad with your plain old veggies, fruits, and nuts can get boring.  So these carrots were a very welcome addition.  They are the easiest things ever to make.  Here's how:

Lemon Roasted Carrots

  • carrots
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper


  • Preheat the oven to 400 degrees fahrenheit.
  • Put the carrots in a medium sized bowl.
  • Pour lemon juice, salt, and pepper over the carrots and let sit for 5-10 minutes.
  • Take carrots out of lemon juice and lay on baking sheet.
  • Sprinkle with olive oil and more salt and pepper.
  • Roast carrots until soft, but not mushy.

Well, there you have it folks.  Easy as pie!  And I'm still taking recipe submissions, so send them in!  Thanks so much!
Also in the picture: crab toasts!  I'll tell you how to make these later!
Oh my goodness that title was really overeager wow I'm really sorry.  But I had to do it because guys I made homemade peanut butter frozen yogurt (one of my favorite foods) from scratch without an ice cream maker.  WITHOUT AN ICE CREAM MAKER.  I never ever knew that was possible but it is.  And it opened up a whole new world for me.  Okay, I also just have to say that I do not have a picture of this because I ate it too fast to take a picture, so sorry about that.

I got the recipe from Chocolate Covered Katie .  You could say I'm a little obsessed with her blog.  Or a lot.  But here's the thing with that recipe.  I believe I could use the base of the recipe and create a WHOLE LOT of different flavors of frozen yogurt and open up a frozen yogurt shop in my freezer just for me.  So there's that.  I want to try adding cocoa powder and mint extract to the yogurt and make mint chocolate chip.  I want to make chocolate peanut butter.  I want to make chocolate peanut butter banana.  I want to make peanut butter banana.  Okay wow I have gone too far with the whole yogurt thing.  But it's okay.

Also as you can tell I got rid of the Submit tab because it made all the other tabs look funky and I didn't like it.  So I think I will be putting the recipe submission box under the Contact tab.  I'm still waiting on recipes guys, so please send them to me!  I would really love to try making them!  Thank
Wow, I haven't posted in forever!  I'm so sorry!  But I decided that since I had a little bit of free time this weekend, I'd post something!  So, here it is.  I am going to talk about A LOT of things right now.  Starting with my favorite cooking shows.  

Mine are Barefoot Contessa, Next Food Network Star, Giada at Home, and Great Food Truck Race.  What are yours?  Leave a comment!  I'd love to know if you like the same ones I do, or if you recommend a new one!

Next, I want to start taking ideas from you guys!  If you have any recipes that you want me to make, please submit a one of our brand new recipe forms under the brand new "Submit" tab.  We will try to make as many as we can and post them on here with some of our special modifications.  So please, start submitting!  I'd love to have some input.

I also want to know some of your favorite snacks!  I bring my lunch to school everyday and am constantly looking for a great new snack idea to pack.  Taking a lunch is great, but can get pretty repetitive.

And finally, here is one of my lunchbox snacks: carrots and hummus.  It's simple, healthy, and absolutely delicious!  The carrots act like a perfect, nutritious chip because of the nice crunch.  And of course hummus is my favorite food it's delicious so you can never go wrong with that!

Thanks so much for keeping up with the blog even though I haven't posted in so long!  It means the world!  Bye for now!
Well, the start of school has come around once again, and everything is starting to get busy again!  I feel so badly that I haven't posted in so long, but the time has really gotten away from me!  I promise I'll try my hardest to keep this going!  
I'm sorry this is so short, and I will try to post something later today, but I just really wanted to get this out there!  Thank you!
Today I was at the Farmer's Market when I happened upon a beautiful place that sold beautiful mozzarella.  It instantly made me think of a caprese salad.  So, I hunted down some gorgeous tomatoes and fresh, organic basil.  And let me tell you, this was the best lunch ever.  The mozzarella was so smooth and creamy, with just a hint of sea salt.  I thought it would look really gorgeous all stacked up!  So here it is!  
Okay, every time I'm on Pinterest I see pictures of black bean brownies that look delicious, but are horrible in reality.  I've always wanted them to work out for me, though, because the black beans are supposed to make the brownies very rich and creamy!  When I found this recipe on Chocolate Covered Katie, I decided that I really wanted to try it, because all of her other recipes have been delicious!  And guess what!  They are quick, easy, healthy, and the best brownies I've ever had!  I could've never imagined such a rich, strong, unhealthy taste from a black bean brownie.  And, the best part is that if you do not disclose the ingredients in these brownies to your children, they will never know.  Try them out!

Sorry for the fork mark in the brownies.  I got eager and had to try some before taking the picture.

Today, I'm going to share with you something that I have made before, but not recently, and was just thinking about today.  It is the rainbow salad.  When I last made it, I just chopped up a bunch of different colored fruits and veggies and threw them together.  But I want to spice things up a little bit.  I was browsing the internet for some salad inspiration, and came upon Martha Stewart's shredded rainbow salad.  Perfect!  That would be a great way to change things up!  Maybe I'll make a great salad dressing too!
(This is Martha Stewart's salad, not mine, but it's so gorgeous that I couldn't resist posting it!)
Now I'm going to talk about how great the rainbow salad is for you!  So, let's say I have a salad that is partly fruit and partly veggies.  I have raspberries, tomatoes, carrots, yellow peppers, pears, spinach, avocado, blueberries, cauliflower, and blackberries.  Delicious!  The raspberries have antioxidants that fight cancer, vitamin K, and a ton of fiber.  The tomatoes have cancer-fighting antioxidants too, they are great for your heart, and they act sort of like sunscreen too!  The carrots are full of beta-carrotine, ward off cancer, and helps your eyes.  The avocados are filled with healthy fats, the list goes on and on!  Do I need to say anything more?  Try this out at home!  It's delicious and nutritious!
Resources: Health, and HowStuffWorks
Hi guys!  Last night I was looking through recipes, when I stumbled upon this one: Whole wheat pasta with chicken and veggies.  It sounded perfect!  Quick, easy, and delicious!  So I decided to make it for the family.  It was a hit!  Pasta is always a favorite with little kids, and the veggies added a nice healthy aspect to it!  Plus, it looked gorgeous!


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